Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time Flies

I can't believe Somerset is almost 6 mos. and Leo is nearly 3. People always say time flies, but with Somerset, it really has. It is so wonderful to watch her grow before my eyes, but a bit sad because she is most likely my last baby (but really, who knows). I am constantly trying to remind myself to cherish these days; the days of Leo being a little boy and Somerset being a baby. I only wish that sleep deprivation weren't such an issue. Perhaps this is nature's way of telling you not to have another baby right away. Anyhow, I love these two little people more than I could possibly have imagined. Without a doubt, I would put my life on the line for either of them without thinking twice.

In the last few weeks, we have had some issues with Leo's behavior. I have adopted a policy of never raising my voice around the kids. It is difficult at times, but how can I expect Leo not to yell if I yell. Joe is also doing the same. At times, I feel I need to see a parenting expert to learn how to discipline Leo properly, but all in all, Leo is an exceptional little boy who is just too darn smart for his own good. When Leo is angry, he doesn't know what to do with his feelings, so he lashes out, sometimes throwing, sometimes yelling and sometimes hitting things. It makes me so sad, and I realize that he is so young and is learning.

I have been back to work for a few weeks now (Williams Sonoma a few nights a week). Joe has done a great job of getting the kids off to bed and I enjoy the extra income and the adult interaction outside of the home. My WS money goes straight into savings, so it's fun to watch that grow!

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