Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Dentist and the Artist!

Leo and his buddy Beo the Bear
Cool new Adidas track suit!
Cool new kicks! Nike Kobe's.

Leo made us very proud when he went to the dentist for his first visit. He was well behaved, charming, brave and very mature and Dr. Morrissey declared that Leo was his best patient of the day. Plus, his teeth looked perfect. A+++++++!

Leo has been showing a big interest in how words are spelled, so it maybe time to teach him some simple reading/writing skills.

He also is currently obsessed with a sea life children's encyclopedia that we purchased through his school. I love how much I am learning too. I never new the sea was so deadly. It sure makes me rethink going into the ocean. Anyhow, his curiosity and thirst for knowledge is inspiring.

Somerset now confidently pulls herself up and cruises around. She also took 1-2 steps to get herself from one side of the couch to the other. Her mobility has increased drastically and I think she is well on her way to walking in a month or two.

She LOVES drawing. We caught her drawing on Leo's easel with chalk and she can't get enough of it! I moved the easel to the play room so she can draw whenever she wants. It has also been a great way for her to pull herself up and then stand for extended periods of time. Those legs are getting strong!

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