Sunday, July 19, 2015

First Year Portraits

So much has happened this summer....we are a busy bunch. I have tried to pack so much fun into this summer.

This summer has been exceptionally hot, so it's a good thing we joined Villa Sport. The excellent childcare (2 hours free a day!), is like summer camp and Rosalie usually naps while she is there.. It's fantastic. We have used the pool a ton too and the kids are becoming good swimmers. Leo loves the obstacle course and water slide and Somerset loves making friends and swim class with Mommy. Rosalie is a tan little water baby too....she loves the water as much as the big kids.

Rosalie still has no teeth!!!! What is up? It seems like she has teething forever!!!! She does grow and develop in other ways though. She says, "I love you," and "I love you Aria." She yelled "Aria" the other day when the front door opened. I think that she thinks all visiting company should include Aria.

She also stands from a squatted position and has been caught standing for up to 10!

She loves waving to people and saying "hi," especially at the farmer's market. She attracts quite a few customers to my soap booth.

Today, Joe heard her yell, "no way" when he tried to change her diaper and outfit. I was laughing so hard at the thought of this.

Somerset is my little mermaid. She is a really natural at swimming and she learned how to swim within a few lessons. We may have found a new talent of hers. She has really enjoyed swimming at Villa Sport this summer. She also has been taking swim lessons twice a week at Harman. She loves  her teacher Miss Maggie so much and is the star of her class.

Leo has been very busy with Swimming lessons, Mathnasium  and Karate. Leo wants to go to Mathnasium everyday. He really shines there and has found "his people," Leo also loves the basketball hoops at Villa. He is so good  at making baskets for his height and age.

Joe has become a bit of a carpenter these days, making all sorts of work benches for the garage for his brew station and for my soaping area. He also continues to brew, brew, brew and has loved watching the bats at night and tending to his gardening.

I continue to make soap daily, growing my business and having fun keeping the kids busy. This summer has been one to remember.

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