I love fall and I love going to the pumpkin patch. For the past 4 years, we have been going to the same local patch and we always have fun. The biggest surprise for us was how much fun Somerset had. In fact, she has more fun than any of us. The patch added a few new features and Leo was able to road test the new hay slide. He had a blast.
I continue home improvement projects. I really just mess around with decor, but I find it so satifying. I love to find a bargain at a thrift store, even if it requires a coat of paint. I love my little owl I found. He was pretty tacky before, but I could tell that a coat of white paint could transform him. Everyone in the family loves him too.
Joe was lucky enough to be able to purchase some super limited shoes off the internet. He bought them and sold them within a few hours for a HUGE profit. We were able to take the profit and buy a storage ottoman/coffee table (thanks honey), and he is using the rest for a few new pairs of shoes.
So, Somerset can crawl. We caught her in the act the other day when she was stuck between the couch and the ottoman. Joe and I think it is hilarious that she has made the choice to scoot around instead. She is also very proficient at pulling herself up and standing for extended periods of time. I think she will probably walk in a month or 2 because she is now so good at cruising.
She has been super grumpy. We hope that teething is the reason, but no new teeth have appeared. She is also at the age where she knows what she wants and is quite strong willed, but doesn't know how to communicate through words her exact needs to us. Poor thing! I wish I could read her mind.
She still remains the center of attention when we go out. All the checkers at our local grocery store know and love Somerset.
Leo is also very popular. When I went to pick him up from preschool the other day, the mother of twin girls said how much her girls love Leo and then when the kids were called out, one of the girls was trying to kiss him. Today, the same girls were trying to hug him. He said, "no thanks." Leo's preschool teacher, Mrs. Kepner says that all the kids like playing with Leo.
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