On a happier note, Somerset has picked up a few more words. She definitely now understand "ut-oh" and uses it frequently, as she seems to have many mishaps. She also now says "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah" for no.
She also gets around in the most adorable way and is getting very proficient at it. She scoots around on her little bum and uses her her feet to propel herself forward. She can get around very fast this way. I have heard about babies doing this instead of crawling, but to see her in action is hilarious. ( video soon to follow).
Leo has become much more aware of his emotions. He has told me a few times recently that he is sad. This always makes me sad in turn, but it is encouraging to see him develop in this way. Also, he expresses happiness often by saying, "I love everyone in the world!"
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