Happy 5 months to my sweet baby girl. She is such a delight and we are so happy to have her in our family. She still isn't rolling, but I think she just isn't as active as Leo was. She also doesn't really giggle yet. She makes a strange grunting noise when happy and smiles from ear to ear, but no real giggles. The doctor said it's no biggie, as long as she is smiling, making eye contact and cooing. She does all of this exceptionally well, so I think she just needs to unleash her inner giggle.
Joe won tickets to a Blazer vs. Lakers' game for this Wednesday night. It is in a luxury suite and will be fully catered. We are bringing Leo and my parents will watch Somerset, so we are really excited to share this adventure together. I am sure there will be many photos to follow.
Leo is as smart and crazy as ever. He has a difficult time listening and following directions, so we are really working on that with him. He really is such a sweet boy, but is to darn smart for his own good. Everyday, we choose a letter and number of the day and then talk about them throughout the day. I figure this is good pre-school prep and he loves it too.
We are already planning for Leo's birthday. We found a lady who can make Leo an awesome Millennium Falcon cake. Joe wants to get Leo some kid's headphones and Kid's Nike Jordans. I think Joe wants a mini him, but Leo adores his Daddy and thinks that whatever Daddy likes is the best.
The kids are both out of the bed and have been for a few weeks now. Getting Summy to sleep in her crib was the best thing ever!!! I miss cuddling her as much as I was, but I have so much more freedom now.
The kids both got sick. First Leo got a cough and runny nose and then passed it on to Somerset, who is currently fighting it off. It is so sad to so her in discomfort, but other than an earlier bed time due to extreme grumpiness, she has been remarkably good natured.
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