She is unbelievable beautiful and is such a wonderful baby. She looks very girlish and has a full head of dark brown hair, large dark blue/gray eyes, a sweet upturned nose that is roundish at the end and pouty lips with an under bite. All who meet her say she's beautiful. I could have told you that, but it was nice hearing the array of nurses conclude that she is really adorable. As far as dispositions go, we love her personality. She is content most of the time, but when she dislikes something, or has an immediate need, she makes it known. So far, she loves eating and when she wants to eat, she will scream until it happens. She also hates to have her diaper changed or being undressed or unswaddled. Other than that, she is generally happy. She doesn't fuss much and I am still adjusting to what must be an easy baby. Leo is by all accounts an amazing little boy, and I love his personality, but he was such a challenge as a newborn. Summer goes with the flow, but she also is feisty when need be and still has a passionate side....which I LOVE.
I was concerned about how I could love another as much as Leo, but it happened. I look adoringly at her sweet face and feel so lucky and privileged to be her mom. She is an amazing little girl who is worth all the sleeplessness, and pain of c-section recovery. I feel that I have the perfect life: new home, adoring husband, and beauty, healthy children. I know this next stage of life will be a big challenge, but I am so fortunate to have these amazing children to raise.
We had an amazing stay at the hospital. The surgery went well and although scary, it was comfortable and done fairly quickly. I nursed Summer as soon as I made it to the recovery room (about 45 minutes after she was born). Apparently, she was screaming for 45 minutes straight and was trying to breastfeed Joe's bicep). She was born hungry! She has continued to have a tremendous appetite, and although she dropped 10.4% of her birth weight, she is rapidly gaining it back. She loves eating, so I am not at all worried about her.
The pain from the surgery is definitely still there, but it was fairly comparable to how I felt with Leo, so I am hoping to recover quickly. I am on quite a few medications, but take the pain pills sparingly because I don't like the way they make me feel. We moved last weekend (a whole other blog update), so I am trying to take it easy even though we have an amazing new house. Luckily, Joe Sr. and Grandma Paula helped us watch Leo and set-up house. We are so lucky to have had them around to help with this huge transition.
As for Leo, he is going through some anxiety, but is doing as well as could be expected. He loves his sister "somerset Rose," and wants to kiss her all the time. Apparently, this is an extremely mature response for a 2 and a half year old. We are so proud of him and are making a great effort to make him feel special. I do miss all the one on one time with him and am somewhat mourning the loss of our single child status. Not that I want one child, but I miss all the time and attention I am able to devote to my favorite little boy.
I will post more pics of our beautiful baby girl, her handsome brother and our new house. I will also have to update the name of the blog. Any suggestions? Perhaps "Summer makes Four." For now, I feel like the luckiest mommy/wife alive. I love my family!!!
She's beautiful! Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear everything went so well and that Leo loves his baby sister!
Congratulations!!!! Your children are so beautiful!!! As far as blog name goes, I'd go with "The Morris Four." :)
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