I still appear smaller than most pregnant woman who are as far along as me. I am measuring right on track, but this is the point in my pregnancy with Leo that he stopped growing. When he was born, he measured the size of a baby that is 34 weeks gestational age, which is what our little girl is now. I have no reason to believe that things will go the same way with baby girl, but I am still anxious.
Her temperament still remains quite different than how Leo was during pregnancy. She seems more mellow and although I do feel her move a lot, it is more stretching than kicking. She also has gotten the hiccups a few times recently and often presses body parts against my abdomen.
Another difference with this pregnancy is how ill prepared we are compared to last time. Because of the move, we are still without a nursery. Also, I am in no hurry for her to come along. I am more than happy to meet her, but I think because I know how difficult the first few months are, I am happy to have her come no earlier than September 20th. Also, the sleep deprivation scares me.
Leo has been great, although he has been exhibiting some neediness that might be related to the move and his baby sister's arrival. It has become much more difficult to get him to sleep at night. He often calls for me numerous times before he will fall asleep and he almost always falls asleep at the foot of his door.
He has also picked up on some of our speech patterns. For example, he will say, "I'm totally hot," or "I'm super cold." He has picked up these words from me, so I guess I need to be super careful about what I say around him.
I am really trying to cherish these last weeks with Leo as an only child. He is so wonderful and I know after his sister arrives, he will never be an only child again. I am cuddling him as much as he will let me.
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