We had a fun and mellow 4th if July celebration. Our friends, the Marshes, came over with their 2 adorable daughters Aubrey, 4 and Veronica, 1. We had burgers, corn on the cob, salad, popsicles and brownies and the kiddos played in the backyard. It has been great fun watching each others families grow. I can't believe we use to hang out before their were any kids at all, and now, 3 and a half kids later, we are still getting together. It was a great day!
At night, we let Leo stay up well past his bed time to see fireworks for the first time. He was in awe of the "big fireworks," and loved every minute of it. Luckily, our neighbors, the Neps, had a whole mess of fireworks that we were able to enjoy. Fun times!!!
In the meantime, Joe and I have been house hunting. We are so fortunate that this is a great time to buy. We have targeted a neighborhood and now it's just a matter of waiting patiently for the right house to come along. With any luck, we will be in a house by the end of the year.
Which neighborhood have you chosen? Just curious.
It's called Denney Whitford.
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