Leo and I went to a storytime called Baby Bugs at our library and joined the other mommies and babies from our play group. It was so fun and Leo seemed to enjoy the story telling, rhymes and toys that were geared for babies 1 and under. After Baby Bugs, the playgroup met at the park and had lunch, which was fun for both of us.
Leo has had a horrible week of sleep and has been getting up every 2 hours! It has been torture for all of us, so we decided to visit Dr. Crowley to rule out any health concerns. After his check-up, I learned that Leo is perfectly healthy and now weighs 13 lb., 7 oz. He is still small for his age, but he is following his growth chart, so the doctor is pleased. She recommended that we start solid foods, which may help him sleep better at night, so tomorrow, Leo will eat rice cereal for the first time....stay tuned!
Dr. Crowley observed that we have a very intense and smart little man. She said that we will have our hands full with him, but that his personality type is associated with a baby that had colic. She was very impressed with how interactive he was and observed how great his hand/eye coordination was. Yeah Leo!
Leo is also sleeping in his crib for the first time tonight. Until now, he has slept in his Pack n Play, which is located by the bed. Leo has to learn to fall asleep on his own, which is a scary thought for me. I have always breast fed him to sleep and then rocked him. The doc explained that when he falls asleep in my arms and wakes up elsewhere, he is frightened. She equated it to us falling asleep in our bed and then waking up on the kitchen floor. Tonight, I fed him and then put him in his crib. He was swaddled, had a pacifier and we turned on his aquarium, which is a soothing music and light show. It worked! He actually fell asleep in his crib and he is still asleep at almost 9:30 p.m. (knock on wood). Please, please, please wish us luck. I really need sleep!!!
The 2 photos at the top of the post showcase Leo discovering grass. He wants to touch everything he sees and then put it in his mouth. The bottom photo is of Leo at Baby Bugs. His curiosity of the world around him is amazing and makes me feel so in awe of the fact that Joe and I created this little person.
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