Leo always wants to stand. This can be very tedious as a parent and makes getting anything done impossible. We decided to combat the situation by letting Leo test drive some walkers, jumparoos and exersaucers at Target and Babies R Us. In true Leo fashion, he gravitated towards the cheapest, most simplistic one (pictured above), and immediately he was mesmerized by all the entertainment it had to offer. Leo is still a bit too young and small for such toys. But he has strong determination to stand and explore and we figure it will be a wise investment. This may give me a chance to get a bit more done as well.
As you can see, Leo is also being groomed into a Steelers fan. Really, he doesn't have a choice being born Joe's son, but the Steelers are a great team, so there is no harm done in shaping his preferences. Joe is already looking forward to watching football in the fall with his right-hand man.
Leo and I are pretty much best friends. My favorite moments are when he grabs my face, "kisses" me and coos in my ear. He is such a sweet boy and I am so happy that he is content in my arms.
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