Leo is now 14 weeks old and life keeps getting better and better. He has discovered how to self sooth using his hands and it is hilarious. He will try to stick both of his fists into his little mouth and consequently will create pools of slobber around him.
I also managed to get Joe to take a photo of me and Leo. Please take a moment and look at me and then look at Leo. This baby looks nothing like me!!! Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly content that Leo is Joe's mini-me. Both my husband and son are very handsome, so I couldn't be more pleased. Also, it seems increasingly apparent that Leo has beaten the genetic odds of having brown eyes in favor of his daddy's green eyes. Ahhh... and aren't they pretty?
Shelly I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new haircut! It is so cute on you! Oh and Leo....what a CUTIE! He looks like a funny kid! Sure has "attitude" in those pictures!
Thanks cyndi...you're so sweet!
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