Mookie Wilson - May 2001-July 2008Today has been filled with many tears because we said goodbye to a member of our family. Mookie passed away today around 1 p.m. and our family will never be the same. Since the 4th of July, it was almost impossible to get Mookie to stay inside. He preferred the outdoors and took to a patch of ferns close to our front yard. The weather has been quite pleasant, so we allowed him freedom to stay outside. We have never lived on such a safe, cat friendly street, so in a way, the freedom to explore life outside our home was a gift to both Mookie and Miette. However, Mookie has always been more adventurous than Miette, so he would choose to stay out much longer and we would have to force him to come in. We provided him with food and water as well, but we started to notice that he wasn't eating or drinking his water. When Joe took him inside, he had lost a considerable amount of weight and refused to eat.
When Joe took him to the vet this morning, his temperature was alarmingly low and after running a series of tests, they determined that his kidneys were failing. We only had one choice, which was very painful, but humane.
Most likely, Mookie took to the outdoors because he knew he was sick and wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately, we misread this because Mookie always tried to get outside. He seemed most happy to explore outdoors. I just hope that his last few days weren't filled with too much pain.
I met Mookie when Joe and I started dating and he was only 4 months old. Mookie could very well be one of the driving forces that made me fall for Joe. When I first met Mookie, he had a face that melted my heart. He was just the most adorable thing I had ever seen! Joe was so sweet to Mookie and I was always so impressed by his tenderness to this beautiful kitten.
Mookie was never very social and often hid when we had company, but to those he trusted, he was a very loving and devoted friend. One of Mookie's signature moves was to ram his head gently into you when he wanted attention. He did this with very few people, so when he did, you knew you were a member of his very select inner circle.
Although Mookie and Miette had a rough start, they became the best of friends. We often found them cuddled up together and you would be hard pressed to find a cuter duo. Also, when Leo was born, Mookie was very curious about him. We always found him relaxing around Leo's possessions ... Leo's papasan chair, carseat, blankets etc. I am just so sad that Leo never really got to know Mookie.
Mookie was a wonderful cat. We loved him with all of our hearts and it will take a very long time before before we recover from the heartache of his passing. I hope that wherever Mookie is, he is filled with happiness.
We love you Mookie and will never forget how special you were to us and Miette. Rest in peace sweet kitty.