Leo and I try to have daily adventures. We had a week of unusually beautiful weather, so Leo and I were able to take our adventures outdoors. Leo now can navigate the play structures at parks alone. I have a constant eye on him, but he can climb up to slides and slide down them unassisted. He has no fear too and engages with all the big kids (3-5 year old boys), when we go out.
The educational dvds I got Leo from the library are paying off. This morning, Joe was wearing a Tee-shirt that read Property of the NBA, and Leo was able to identify every letter in the word PROPERTY with the exception of the E. AWESOME!!!
Leo has really gotten into his cars from the movie Cars. He is obsessed with them. He loves them so much that before bedtime, he has to kiss them all goodnight.
I was super sick last Monday with a stomach bug of some sort. I actually threw-up multiple times that night, which I rarely do. Luckily Joe was able to stay home from work so I could sleep all day. Unfortunately, it seems as though Leo has a bug right now. He's had 4 dirty diaper changes today (poor thing), but he's still playing as hard as ever. Leo never seems to let anything get in the way of play.