Monday, August 31, 2009
Perfect Day
Today we had perfect weather and a great Monday! I am really trying to savor these days and appreciate them because I know soon enough the rain and cold will be back.
Today I took Leo to the zoo and he picked up a new word - goat. Very cute! It is days like today that make me feel so fortunate to be able to spend my days with Leo and watch him grow and experience all that life has to offer. I am so thankful that Joe is so supportive and is able to allow me to stay at home with Leo.
Everyday Leo seems to become more of a little boy. He takes walks with daddy. He comes up for hugs. He amuses himself. It is so fun and rewarding to see him emerge into such a sweet, adventurous, intelligent, curious and funny person (did I say handsome too?).
Leo is obsessed with climbing into things, such as his toy basket, storage baskets etc. He also is in a stage where he is throwing everything! This has included fistfuls of sand at his buddy Forest and dirt at the goats at the petting zoo. Not cool, but luckily no one was hurt. Luckily both Forest and the goats were very tolerant of Leo's mischievous behavior. Our standard response for this behavior is "balls are for throwing, (fill in the blank) is not for throwing)." Sometimes this is followed by a time out, but Leo is still a bit young for real discipline.
Joe and I are still continuing with our fitness routines. Joe lifts weights 4 times a week and I am still marathon training. I ran 18 miles Saturday and am starting to get really excited for the Portland Marathon that is October 4th. The run will be so much more fun than the training because I will be surrounded by other runners and there will be tons of entertainment and gorgeous scenery along the way. Plus I will have my loved ones to greet me at the finish line. As for Joe, he looks amazing and is the healthiest he has ever been.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Our Toddler

Leo continues to be obsessed with "dinatoos" (dinosaurs). It is by far, the cutest word he says!
I am continuing my marathon training and will be thrilled when October 4th arrives. On Saturday, I have an 18 mile run. I wish I could say that I am looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to this training being completed. Joe also works out 4-5 times a week and is getting so strong. He is looking fantastic too!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Trucks are Serious Business!

We had a great weekend. It started with me completing a 16 mile run. I was so happy to have that done with and was really ready to start the weekend. Joe and I took Leo to a truck show that is an annual event hosted by our local parks and rec. center. They had all the trucks a little boy could ever hope to see: a fire truck, construction vehicles, a big rig from Conway (Joe's employer), buses and we even witnessed a helicopter taking off! Throughout the event, Leo was quiet and stoic, which is not like him at all. He was like this at the Thomas event as well. I think it is so much for him to process, he zones out and just soaks it all up. It's as if he is saying, "this is so exciting, I can hardly believe it!"
Leo seems to have a new obsession with dinosaurs. He actually tries to say it too, but only we can gather what he means.
He has also been giving us real hugs in which he wraps his arms around our neck and squeezes. It is to date, the best parenting moment I have had. I think Joe would agree.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Beautiful Weather, Singing and Running!

Leo has been engaging in a lot of games and tries to make us laugh now. He really has quite the sense of humor.
He has also been a bit more manageable at night. Perhaps the teething has subsided a bit, and the cooler weather is making everyone happier.
Leo has started is the cutest thing. He says..."lalalalala." He's not too melodic yet, but, it's a start. He also can identify all the parts of his face and major body parts.
In addition to Leo news, I have also been training for the Portland Marathon that takes place October 4th. Last Saturday I ran 15 miles and now I feel confident that I can complete the marathon. It is very hard work, but I feel so satisfies with my progress. Finishing a marathon has been a lifelong goal and I am less than 2 months from making this a reality. I am aiming to run 10 minute miles and I don't want to walk at all. Luckily for me, Joe has been super supportive and has been putting extra babysitting hours. Also, my mom bought me some high end running shoes that are sure to make the run easier.
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