Wednesday, March 26, 2008
An Awesome Surprise
Also, a little over a week ago, Joe's co-workers surprised him with a baby shower. Joe was also adorned with a gift card (Babies R Us), a cake, cup cakes and many adorable gifts for Leo. Isn't it cool that they acknowledge the fathers too?
We are both so fortunate to have such awesome co-workers. Leo is really being welcomed into the world. Now if only he would come!
Monday, March 17, 2008
37 Weeks Pregnant

This weekend I was able to use my half day at the spa, which was a Christmas gift from Joe. I had an amazing prenatal massage, a facial and a pedicure at Zenana Spa and it was the highlight of my week. I highly recommend this as a gift to any pregnant woman!
Leo continues to make his presence known. I still feel great, but he does shift his weight around quite a bit now, which can make for some uncomfortable moments. Even when it hurts, I still love it though.
Today, it is not only St. Patrick's Day, it is my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday! Also, Joe's co-workers threw him a baby shower at work and they are all very generous. In addition to a wonderful gift certificate from Babies R US, they gave Leo a whole collection of baby clothes, socks, shoes, a book and a cute little hat. They finished their celebration with a cake and cupcakes. I wish I was there!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Shamrock Run

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A Crazy Weekend!
We started the weekend with a Friday night celebration for my birthday. I got ready for our date and then opened my gifts from Joe. I got some awesome Nike running shoes that have a space in the heel for an I-pod chip that records your running performance. This will be great motivation for getting back into running shape after Leo arrives. I also received a gift certificate from Sephora, which I used to buy the fragrance Code by Armani. Hmmmm….it smells great and is Joe approved (a very difficult task). I also received a set of 3 pairs of Nap socks for the hospital stay. Nap products, which are sold at Brookstone and various retail establishments are the best. I don’t know what I would do without my Nap pillow and blanket.
Leo’s/my baby shower was Saturday and it was quite an affair. We definitely crammed our little place full, but it was lots of fun. I was so preoccupied with all the activity that I didn’t get any digital photos (I also forgot to eat), however, my mom did take some photos and Joe recorded the gift opening, so I will post some imagery soon. Guests started trickling in around 1:30 p.m. and dined on the large assortment of foods including lasagna, fruit, sandwich rolls and potato salad. We also had mimosas and beer (but none for me and Leo), so that made the event even more festive. We had a variety of attendees from my work, Joe’s work, old friends and family; we even had a few brave male attendees.
After lunch, we moved on to the games. In the first game, the participants had to take the letters from LEO MORRIS and make as many words as possible. The winner created 13 words! On the game sheet, there was a photo of me and Joe and then a photoshop rendition of Leo, complete with Steelers cap. She took elements from my face and Joe’s face to create our son. Wow! All I’m going to say is he is something else. It was pretty awesome though. In the next game, guests were shown a tray with 22 items for 2 minutes and when the tray was taken away, they had to remember as many items as possible.
Next, I opened gifts. I find it a bit awkward to open so many gifts in front of people, but that’s what you do at a baby shower. Well, Leo scored big time. I see many baseball games in his future because he received 3 baseball outfits! Everything was so cute! I spent a good chunk of Sunday washing his new clothes and organizing his stuff. I think this is called nesting.
We ended the day with an amazing cake. YUMMY! I have had more cake in the last week than in the last year.
I feel that we are now officially ready for Leo. If he was born today, we would have all the essentials. We only have 23 days until his due date, so now it’s up to him!
Friday, March 7, 2008
A Very Public Birthday Announcement

In retrospect, I should have known something was up. For starters, Joe was so anxious to get pregnancy photos of me. That is not entirely his style. Turns out that he wanted an updated photo for KGW. Secondly, as you can see, the time displayed on the screen is 6:21 a.m., but in reality it was 6:40 a.m. Joe had paused the broadcast so that I would see the birthday segment, which I always miss. Luckily for him, I am not a morning person and my tired haze prevented me from catching on. Joe is so cool. What other husband would go to that kind of effort?
The fun continued when I arrived at work. A couple gals from the office had decorated my desk after I left work yesterday and then my manager surprised me with a card, potted daffodils and a chocolate muffin. It has been an awesome day and I can't wait to see what else will happen.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Where it all Began

We also took a 3-hour breastfeeding class that was excellent. We learned so much and now I am armed with the essential information I need to feed Leo. We both felt that this was the best class we took. Now if only we had a baby to practice these skills with.
Saturday, March 1, 2008

35 Weeks Pregnant

Since Leo could be born at any time, Joe and I have decided to get our bags packed for the hospital. Today, I bought a nursing bra, a nursing gown and a new pair of nursing pajamas from Motherhood Maternity. It is all so cute and naturally, I chose blue so that Leo and I can match. Joe also bought treats from Trader Joe's so that he can stay nourished.
By the look of my physique, Leo has grown a ton recently. He weights approximately 5.5 Pounds and is almost his full length. If he were born today, he probably wouldn't even need an incubator. He has also been moving like a champ. We have been interacting with him as usual with story time, but a few weeks ago, Joe bought Leo a glow worm that plays 6 lullabies. We like to put the glow worm on my stomach and play him music too.
We also just finished our last childbirth prep class, so we are good to go. Tomorrow we have a 3 hour breastfeeding class and then we are done with all our classes. We just need the baby to put all this knowledge to good use!